PhilHealth ID

How to Get a PhilHealth ID ? Step-By-Step Guide

A PhilHealth ID and Member Data Record (MDR) are required before claiming any benefits. PhilHealth members often overlook this aspect, even though the ID can be obtained for free. When it comes down to it, most transactions require only your membership number.

Additionally to being able to use your PhilHealth ID for government and non-government transactions, owning an ID from PhilHealth also allows you to maximize your benefits. In order to obtain PhilHealth ID numbers and cards, it is important to understand how to obtain them.

Here are the steps you can follow if you don’t yet have the government-issued ID.

What is the PhilHealth ID?

PhilHealth Identification Numbers (also referred to as PINs or PhilHealth IDs) are issued to registrants for PhilHealth memberships. It is used to identify members and verify their eligibility for PhilHealth benefits, as well as to record their benefits usage.

When you enroll in PhilHealth, you also receive an identification card. A National Health Insurance Program ID card identifies the cardholder as a qualified dependent and entitles them to government benefits and privileges.

How to Get a PhilHealth ID in the Philippines

Are you unsure of how to get a PhilHealth ID? There is a slight difference in the application process for PhilHealth IDs depending on whether you’re employed or unemployed/self-employed, but there are still the same requirements:

  • The PhilHealth Member Registration Form (PMRF) should be completed twice (see example).
  • The latest 1×1 ID pictures
  • It is necessary to provide two valid identifications or a photocopy of your birth certificate issued by PSA
  • Certification for baranggays

 How to Get a PhilHealth ID for Employed Members

As a first-time employee (and without a PhilHealth number yet), you should expect your HR officer to enroll you in PhilHealth and provide you with an ID. Here’s how it usually works:

  1. Print and complete two copies of the PMRF.
  2. Please submit the PMRF to your HR department.
  3. You will receive your Member Data Record (MDR) and PhilHealth ID card from your employer. 
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How to Get a PhilHealth ID for Self-Employed and Unemployed Members

The PhilHealth ID card can only be obtained if you’re a voluntary member, not an unemployed or self-employed person.

  1. PMRF must be completed twice.
  2. You can make an appointment at a Local Health Insurance Office or PhilHealth Express outlet.
  3. PMRF should be submitted.
  4. Upon receiving your PhilHealth ID and MDR, wait for them to be processed and printed. Don’t leave anything out before you double-check it.
  5. Pay your monthly contributions and file claims using your PhilHealth Identification Number.

How to Get a PhilHealth ID for Senior Citizens

PhilHealth ID Application Procedure at the Office of Senior Citizen Affairs :

1. Please fill out two copies of the PMRF.

2. Please submit both completed forms to the OSCA in the city or municipality where the elder lives as soon as you are finished.

3. The MDR and ID card will be mailed to you shortly.

PhilHealth ID Application Steps at a PhilHealth office:

  1. The PMRF should be filled out twice
  2. An ID request must be accompanied by a 1×1 photo of the senior citizen.
  3. Senior citizens must present their OSCA-issued ID or a valid government identification card.
  4. Fill out and submit the PMRF.
  5. Be patient until you receive your MDR and ID card.

Reminders for Getting a PhilHealth ID

Digitized ID cards are not yet available in all regions. In your area, you may want to check with your Local Health Information Organization.

PhilHealth benefits can be redeemed without a valid ID, thanks to the Universal Health Care Law. Drugstores and other participating establishments will still require members to show their ID for hospital transactions.

The last tip is to transact with staff members at PhilHealth branches only. Make sure to stay away from fixers offering PhilHealth ID assistance on social media for a fee. There is no fee for the PhilHealth ID or MDR.

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PhilHealth ID Application FAQs

1. What is the difference between PhilHealth ID and PhilHealth Insurance Card?

PhilHealth ID cards are paper identification cards that can be used for inpatient and outpatient hospital benefits. This ID is available at all PhilHealth LHIOs for free to members.

Despite being one of the country’s valid IDs, PhilHealth’s regular ID is not accepted for certain banking and government transactions. For example, DFA does not accept PhilHealth’s regular ID for passport applications. You can only get basic services or file insurance claims at hospitals with it.

If you would like your HR officer to handle this for you, please let him or her know. Any PhilHealth LHIO will be able to provide this ID to you for free. Here are the steps you need to follow.

Meanwhile, the PhilHealth Insurance ID Card serves as a digitized identification card for employed members of the program. This is a plastic card, made from PVC, so you do not have to laminate it like the traditional PhilHealth ID, which is made from paper.

If you choose to get this card, it is not mandatory and some fees may apply, but it can be much more useful than the regular ID card. A valid ID can be obtained with it, for one thing.

Members can also take advantage of exclusive discounts at participating pharmacies, optical shops, laboratories, and drug testing centers.

In addition, if you have dependents, you can also allow them to use the card to benefit from these discounts on medical supplies at affiliated drugstores and pharmacies if they have dependents.

2. When is the PhilHealth ID number required to use?

PhilHealth numbers are required to claim benefits. The number is also required by voluntary members when they make their monthly contributions, in addition to the number they provide when they join.

3. How can I get my PhilHealth ID online?

A PhilHealth ID can only be obtained at a PhilHealth office or PhilHealth Express branch in the Philippines, as there is no online application facility.

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4. Can I get my PhilHealth ID immediately?

Getting your PhilHealth ID does not require that you wait for days or weeks to get it. In most cases, you will be able to claim your PhilHealth ID on the same day as you register for PhilHealth. A 1×1 photo should be attached to your ID card along with your PhilHealth ID number.

5. How do I replace a lost PhilHealth ID?

You cannot replace your ID through a shortcut. It is necessary to reapply for PhilHealth membership and satisfy the same requirements as before. It is also required that you provide an affidavit of loss.

Damaged IDs are treated the same way. The damaged ID needs to be surrendered as part of the application process for your new ID.

6. What if I can’t afford to pay premiums? Can I still get an ID from PhilHealth?

Quezon City residents have good news! For residents without a PhilHealth card who can’t afford monthly premiums, the local government will provide them with a special card and pay their $300 monthly premium.

In-patient or out-patient health services can be accessed through this ID, according to Mayor Joy Belmonte. Residents interested in applying can contact their District Action Office. 


After learning how to obtain PhilHealth ID, will you apply for one soon? Getting a government ID like this one can be a huge hassle, especially when you have to wait in line for hours to obtain it, but it is extremely important to have this government-issued ID on hand.

This is the best way to claim benefits from private and public healthcare institutions, especially during this outbreak. Besides making sure that you always carry your PhilHealth ID card around for medical emergencies, you should make sure to always update your PhilHealth membership information as soon as possible.

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